
an American smoky whiskey brand.






My challenge was to create a beverage product that embodied an art form, using sustainable resources. Firescale is the product of various brainstorming sessions and research inspired by the crafts of blacksmithing and glass blowing, utilizing locally-sourced sand for glass, recycled materials for labeling and paper, and bog peat from the Pacific Northwest, which produce an uncommon peaty and smoky whiskey produced from natural resources.


  • The challenge was to create a product that translated an art form into a beverage product.
  • Sketches and end product conceptualize the art of metal forging into a smoky, peaty, American whiskey.
  • Packaging reflects fire-touched feel embracing imperfections, featuring hand-blown glass, torn paper, & handwritten elements.
  • The logo was printed onto plexiglass using a laser printer and embossed onto the label for a tactile and unique branding.


  • Packaging
  • Concept Design
  • Branding
  • Content Creation


  • Masculine
  • Rustic
  • Handmade
  • Conservative


  • Bradford Prairie


  • Spring 2023
  • Branding & Packaging
  • SDCC

Promoted to guys who like America, blacksmithing, metal, and whiskey.